
Clearing in the Forest

Josefina Anjou, Nora Aurrekoetxea, Lucía Bayón, Isabella Benshimol, Julia Creuheras, Diego Delas, Andrés Izquierdo, Maren Karlson, Paul Maheke & Johanna Odersky

13.03.21 - 22.05.21

Claro del bosque” is a collective exhibition presenting works by Josefina Anjou (SE), Nora Aurrekoetxea (ESP), Lucía Bayón (ESP), Isabella Benshimol (VE), Julia Creuheras (ESP), Diego Delas (ESP), Johanna Odersky (DE), Andrés Izquierdo (ESP), Maren Karlson, and Paul Maheke (FR). The exhibition explores spaces, symbols, and poetic and ritual elements related to the occult, the collective, and their healing and empowering power.

The clearing in the forest is a center that is not always possible to enter.

We cross a threshold into a desire, a dream, a vision, a place for communion and reunion. It is a productive center but also the beginning of an exit. It is a productive center but also the beginning of an exit. A space of conspiracy and whisper, where helpless ghosts sail, speculations of futures, and hidden memories.

Access is presented as accidental, frontal, at night or during the day; it is a surprise, a future. ‘It is the immediate lesson of clearings in the forest: you don’t have to look for them, nor do you have to look for anything from them’; they offer themselves to you.

Images appear sustained, recalling encountered lives, breaths, dazzling moments, relics of a dream. Certain places that illuminate a path, sometimes skewed. Blind maps that shake us.

We won’t know how we entered, and we won’t remember the way out, if a clearing in the forest invites us to access its original feeling.

A space of prophecies, latent and denied knowledge that avoids binary thinking. Rituals scattered in other doings, places of proposition bypassing limiting reason.

A stage for healing without knowing how long that moment lasts. A framework for a ritual, glimpses of light and darkness, whispers that traverse the feet. We cross the threshold and transform our bodies, moving through a space of adoration and pause, reverie and emptiness, where shadows, games, failed planes envelop us, presenting the listening of the voices of the substrate.

The clearing in the forest is an offering, a healing. A meeting place to shed skin, reshape the void, listen to ourselves. A space for a collective rebirth.

And the light, still shining discordantly, shows itself against a ‘discontinuous sky, itself also a clearing.’



Belmonte de Tajo 61

28019 Madrid

Miércoles a viernes 

de 11.00 a 19.00


de 11.00 a 14.00


Belmonte de Tajo 61
28019 Madrid

Wednesday to Friday  
from 11:00 to 19:00

from 11:00 to 14:00