
More wood, and youth, in the spaces of Madrid

Immediacy, youth, and freshness Immediacy, youth, and freshness. These are the three characteristics that intersect in the boom of spaces for young artists in Madrid. We explore this new map of storefronts, galleries, and “project spaces” scattered from north to south. Young galleries are also needed, especially now that García Galería has disappeared. Intersticio, which, […]

Johanna Odersky: Repetitions, rhythms and the running of time.

German artist Johanna Odersky’s work interrogates how repetition is used to track the passing of time. Multidisciplinary in her approach, Odersky is an active figure in both the fine art and music scenes, asserting that the two practices complement each other. Her series exhibited at Intersticio[1]  has the artist indulging in her fascination of tracing […]

Open a gallery in Madrid in pandemic times

Intersticio, Arniches 26 and Photo España Gallery launch new spaces in Madrid, despite the current situation. They join brands like Furiosa, Ultravioleta or Corner gallery, just a few months old, going through the pandemic. “We are an irreverent and rebellious gallery that has generated a roster of about ten Spanish artists with whom we like […]


Her paintings show a distinctive approach to figurative performance, where interpersonal relationships play out in vivid colours and large formats. The various scenes give us fragments of narratives that force the viewer to reflect what has happened before and what might happen after the moment depicted.  Thematically, the exhibition focuses on the female gaze, which […]

Esta luz, tóxica (II Movimiento) at Belmonte

Artists: Giulia Cenci, Georgina Hill, Bhanu Kapil, Jonás De Murías Exhibition title: Esta Luz, Tóxica (II Movimiento) Curated by: Alejandro Alonso Díaz Venue: Belmonte, Madrid, Spain Date: April 22 – June 3, 2023 Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Belmonte, Madrid The host–guest chemistryIs inclusive, complex, molecular, Dainty.Google it.Does the host […]

Questions for Hans Ulrich Obrist: how does art speak to us?

Las pinturas de la joven artista suiza, Augusta Lardy, atrajeron de inmediato a nuestro columnista. ¿Cómo lo hizo exactamente? Una parte esencial de mi trabajo como comisario es observar obras de artistas que aún son poco conocidos y reconocer el talento. A veces esto sucede cuando voy a escuelas de arte, galerías, salas de arte […]

Augusta Lardy’s ‘Queroseno’ fills the Belmonte gallery

The young Swiss artist presents her recent works in an exhibition composed of several watercolors on canvas and pastels with dreamlike shapes. This is the second venture of the gallery located in Carabanchel, after its name change (previously Intersticio) and location. The first thing that catches your attention is its free and almost abstract strokes. […]

What to see during this year’s ARCO madrid

From an extensive Chiara Fumai retrospective to Lucía Bayón’s denim sculptures, Max Andrews selects the exhibitions not to miss in the Spanish capital Lucía Bayón Intersticio 18 February – 21 May 2022 Last year Lucía Bayón was one of the winners of ‘Generación’, the Fundación Montemadrid’s annual award for young artists working in Spain. For […]


Belmonte de Tajo 61

28019 Madrid

Miércoles a viernes 

de 11.00 a 19.00


de 11.00 a 14.00


Belmonte de Tajo 61
28019 Madrid

Wednesday to Friday  
from 11:00 to 19:00

from 11:00 to 14:00