

Lucas Dupuy’s “One Panoramic View After Another Will Unfold” at Belmonte Gallery delves into the emotional resonance of fractal geometry, transforming mathematical precision into evocative visual art. Fractals, known for their self-similar patterns that repeat at various scales, have long fascinated mathematicians and artists alike. They appear in nature’s most mesmerizing forms, from the spirals […]

Julia Creuheras: a perfect weekend plan

“Our project has been developing in a natural and intuitive way,” says Sol Abaurrea, co-founder of Galería Belmonte (Belmonte de Tajo, 61) together with Ana Coronel, when asked about the exhibition that her space is currently hosting. “We continue to maintain the purpose with which we started: to create a new network of visitors and […]

Portraits from Another Era

Compartir ideas para emprender Sol Abaurrea y Ana Coronel de Palma abrieron la galería Belmonte hace menos de un año. Desde su espacio en Carabanchel, su misión es trabajar con artistas emergentes que tienen algo nuevo o diferente que aportar. Trabajaban juntas desde hace tiempo en otro proyecto anterior, pero hace menos de un año, […]

The Intersticio gallery opens in Madrid with this new exhibition

After its success in London, the lntersticio gallery opens its doors at 31 Alcantara Street. A new space that hosts in this first exhibition a cast of 10 young artists and designers who deserve to be known. lntersticio has opened its doors in Madrid. After its opening in London, the gallery opens a new space […]

Intersticio, Madrid is filled with art and opens a gallery

Cristina Herraiz, Ana Coronel de Palma and Sol Abaurrea are the three architects of this wonderful project that has just landed in the Lista neighborhood in Madrid. It was born with the purpose of helping the internationalization of the Spanish scene, connecting the younger local scene with the international one and vice versa. Come and […]

Forest clearing at Intersticio

émergent magazine The group exhibition’ Claro del Bosque’ includes works by Josefina Anjou (SE), Nora Aurrekoetxea (ESP), Lucia Bayon (ESP), Isabella Benshimol (VE), Julia Crehueras (ESP), Diego Delas (ESP), JohannaO dersky (CH), Andres Izquierdo (ESP), Maren Karlson (DE) and Paul Maheke (FR), exploring the spaces, symbols poetics and rituals involved in the process of the […]

‘That tile that dances’

There is a duck with hooves that welcomes in La Casa Encendida. It is plugged into a Walkman and a cassette of Juan Palacios’ Tanguillo del golpe. Next to him, a child watches him from a wheelbarrow and a tapestry where people smoke. There is also a banner that reminds us that the water is […]

The return of the surreal

Two exhibitions with an international vocation in Madrid certify the return of dream and narrative figuration Intersticio and Pradiauto are two relatively new spaces and relatively outside the classic gallery areas in Madrid (also, by the way, the recent El Chico, founded by Javier Aparicio, has earned a place on that expanded map). They are […]

Archaeology of the Now

‘Rascando la superficie’ focuses on the material traces that we find in the Earth’s crust with the work of unusual artists in our circuit For some time now, man’s footprint on the earth has become the central axis of programs, biennials, texts and works. We see it clearly these days in the 2120 exhibition at […]

Out-of-Mold Sculpture

The borders between artistic media have long been blown up and sculpture has become a fertile field for cultivation. We explore the work of 8 young artists who wisely shape their future The boundaries between artistic media have long been blown up. The objects dialogue with the space, they are the scene of performances and […]


Belmonte de Tajo 61

28019 Madrid

Miércoles a viernes 

de 11.00 a 19.00


de 11.00 a 14.00


Belmonte de Tajo 61
28019 Madrid

Wednesday to Friday  
from 11:00 to 19:00

from 11:00 to 14:00