
Lucía Bayón

(ES, 1994)

Lives and works in Madrid. Her practice centers around sculpture and, at times,

Attending to processes of disarticulation and subsequent reconstitution of the chosen materials, Bayón extends their context and manual production to the use of specific industrial processing techniques. Sustaining a circuit that entangles gradual transformation and insistence of recurring gestures, the practice adopts a sensitivity to enmesh the residual in slow becoming.

Bayón studied Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid and the Universität der
Künste Berlin, and holds a Master in Fine Arts from the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam. Her
recent work has been exhibited in spaces and institutions such as Halfhouse (Barcelona, 2024),
Fondation Fiminco (Paris, 2024), La Capella (Barcelona, 2023), Sid Motion Gallery (London,
2023), Centro Botín (Santander, 2022), Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (Tenerife, 2022),
Intersticio (Madrid, 2022), La Casa Encendida (Madrid, 2021) Haus Wien (Viena, 2021), among
others. She is the recipient of awards such as Beca de Artes Plásticas (Fundación Botín, 2019) and
Generaciones (Fundación Montemadrid, 2020). She has partaken in artistic residencies and
independent educational programs such as Matadero (Madrid, 2022), Tabakalera (Donostia,
2022), Praxis (fluent, Santander, 2023) and Gasworks (London, 2024).

Bayón, together with Lukas Meßner, directs digestivo: an itinerant collaborative initiative.
Acting as interlocutors in relation to other artists’ practices, they foster a space for encounter and communal sharing, while exploring —in and around the kitchen— processes of foraging, fermentation and preservation.

See CV


Belmonte de Tajo 61

28019 Madrid

Miércoles a viernes 

de 11.00 a 19.00


de 11.00 a 14.00


Belmonte de Tajo 61
28019 Madrid

Wednesday to Friday  
from 11:00 to 19:00

from 11:00 to 14:00